No Software Downloads on

As of 2014, will no longer host downloads of executable files on this website. Going forward, we will point to official, canonical distribution pages where available, or to well-known file distribution sites rather than hosting binaries.

Links which previously pointed to executable files are being redirected to this page - if you got here from another page on this site, or from a link on another site, that’s probably why.

Why not?

There are a number of reasons for this policy. This site is run by a small group of volunteers, and at times, we’ve experienced periods of neglect. Our experience has been that keeping up-to-date mirrors of software is a lot of work, and software downloads are already handled well by other sites, including SourceForge, GitHub, and others for open source software, and for commercial software. The second is security, under our current hosting arrangements, we cannot offer an SSL website, so its difficult to insure that any binary files we distributed are not tampered with as they travel over the internet.